Jade vs. Syndrome (from the Incredibles).
Eh? Eh? And aren't they kind of similar in personality as well?
They're both snotty, arrogant, overly confident, and live in an evil lair under a volcanic island.
Hello, my name is Bex Schwartz and I am about to sing you a ditty. [A Ditty:] This is my home in the blogosphere. It's not as round as a bathosphere. But it's my place in cyberspace so I hold it dear. BLOG. O. SPHERE! Hug me, please.
Whilst riding the NYC fine, fine subway, please follow a few simple rules:
1) no smoking
2) no dropping of square boxes
3) no 80's boomboxes
4) no penguins
The no penguin revolution is nigh, friends. NIGH!
Wobulation? What the hell is it? It arrived on a swizzle stick that looked an awful lot like a pregnancy test -- was it perhaps a device to see if one were wobulating?
Oh, my tummy hurts -- such wobulation! Sort of like a wobbly ovulation. If ones ovaries were weebles, for example, one might wobulate?
And this swizzle stick clearly commands one to SEARCH wobulation? As in: wobulation is a new Google? Or is it really just an imperative to search "Wobulation" ???
And thusly and henceforth:
We returned to Amy's apartment after celebrating Jay & Devra's engagement and Googled it -- note: in the era of Google, is ogle now pronouced oogling? And ought Boggle be better branded as Boogle? -- and lo, and behold, this is what we discovered:
Wobulation = some sort of HP-devloped printing technique involving overlapping pixels.
Poo. Borrrrr-ing. But I can promise you that from here on in when I have menstrual cramps, I will refer not only to the squirrel digging for acorns in my womb, but also to my wobulation.
Okay ... so I ordered 500 "No Penguins" stickers (actually, they're "do not freeze" stickers") and we're going to cut the "do not freeze" bits off the stickers, and then we're going to out gallivanting, plastering the city with "No Penguins" stickers. Particularly bar bathroom stalls, bus stops, lampposts, and the penguin habitats at the zoos and the aquaria. What? "No Penguins" stickers at the penguin habitat? What if I can put a "No Penguin" sticker on a Penguin? Will it be like matter and anti-matter? Will the penguin explode?
So ... I'm waiting for my stickers to arrive. But here's the deal ... do you live in a city or town where there's a zoo or an aquarium or some other sort of penguin habitat? Because all you will have to do is send me a SASE and I will send you some "No Penguins" stickers -- AND, because I am supremely awesome and because my best friend Josh thinks it's a swell idea, I will also send you a friendship pin. But!!! The stickers aren't here yet, thus the NO PENGUINS revolution can't start yet, but stay tuned for details.
So my roomie got a package from UPS yesterday, and luckily, I was home nursing a backache so I could sign for it. I couldn't help but notice that this package was stamped with a large "NO PENGUINS" symbol. I was perplexed. Did it mean that the package had to be kept away from penguins at all costs? Would its contents kill penguins? Or would it drive the penguins into a hysterical frenzy, whereupon they'd attack with ferocious muster, pecking with their beaks, peck, peck, peck? And why was the penguin wearing such a dapper bowtie? Was this symbol saying "No penguins dressed in eveningwear?" As in, penguins in casual attire would be acceptable?
Upon further examination, I noticed that directly under the NO PENGUINS symbol it said, "refrigerate - do not freeze." Bam! "No Penguins" apparently means "Do Not Freeze." But if the symbol is supposed to be for people who can't read or understand "Do Not Freeze," it's oh so confusing! Why not a "No Icecubes" or a "No Snowflakes" or a "No Igloo" symbol to indicate do-not-freeze? Why does a bowtie-wearing penguin mean freeze?
The mind reels, friends. Absolutely reels.