What the heche happened to little Joey Cramer? He bonded with Max (as voiced by Peewee Herman -- I never knew) on the Flight of the Navigator and then he was in Stone Fox and then he disappeared! Where? To his native Vancouver, where he came into this world on August 23, 1973? Did he really decide that he needed to risk molecular vaporization and try to return to Fort Lauderdale 1978?
We watched (dur) Flight of the Navigator last night, and realized that, in the day, it was SO SCARY that little David Freeman lost 8 years of his life (he falls into a ditch in 1978 and wakes up in 1986... where did he go? the fucking aliens were pumping his head full of starcharts, yo.) ... anyway ... so it's now been a longer temporal gap since Flight of the Navigator came out, than the one that David goes through in the movie. Awesome.
And so, of course, we wanted to know what happened to little Joey Cramer? Did he grow up gay (we faintly suspect as much)? Does he shun his acting past? Is he still buddies with Sarah Jessica Parker? We just don't know.
But I'd really love to find out. To that end, I have written a catchy tune that will hopefully become a worldwide hit, like "We Are the World" or "Do They Know It's Christmas." Just sing along to Aerosmith's "Love in an Elevator" and you're all set.
"Flight of the Navigator" (to the tune of "Love in an Elevator")
Walkin' through the woods with my brother (whoa)
Fell into a fuckin' ditch (oh yeah)
A flyin' saucer scooped me up, man (whoa)
It's gonna be a fuckin' bitch (oh yeah)
But where we gonna go?
Phaelon, in outerspace!
Then we'll come back 8 years later and
They'll stick us in that NASA place
Flight of the Navigator
Ain't growin' up, I ain't goin' down
Flight of the Navigator
Ain't growin' up, I been flyin' round
Sarah Jessica's my intern (whoa)
RALF is gonna set me free (whoa yeah)
Max is finally gonna learn now
The Navigator -- he is me!
But where did Joey go?
Where's the Navigator now?
I really want to know!
So come on, Joey -- take your bow!
Flight of the Navigator
Ain't growin' up, I ain't goin' down
Flight of the Navigator
Ain't growin' up, I been flyin' round
In the air, in the air, honey one more time
Now it ain't fair
Flight of the Navigator
Ain't growin' up, I'll be flyin' round
No idea why I'm writing this tonight. Joey Cramer is a great guy. He's living life as best he can. Joey's an incredibly talented person (he's not gay) and he's content to live peacefully out of the spotlight.
hey, person who knows that Joey Cramer is doing okay -- do you know Joey Cramer personally? Does he want to be a guest-blogged? PLEASE? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?
I would love to know how Joey is doing now. When Flight of the Navigator came out, I had a major crush on him, well a crush only an 11 year old can have, and I sent him a letter and pix. He wrote me back with an autographed picture! I'd love to do it again sometime :) My prayers to him and his family, Stephanie
Now that's hilarious! Get Joey on here to do a post for us? The girlfriend and I were wondering how he was doing... I'm totally surprised he didn't do more work?
HI - I was bored and I googled myself and I got here some how. I am Keri Rogers, I was in Flight of the Navigator with Joey Cramer, I played Jennifer Bradley. Who knows him? I would love to get in touch with him. P.S. The posting were hilarous!
Yes, yes, let's continue to "WHAT HAPPENED TO JOEY CRAMER" revolution? Anyone know what he's up to? Anyone? Anyone?
I read an article by someone who came across joey as a carny.
He was smoking lots of dope and picking up girls by smiling and asking them if they had a boyfriend. The writer hated how successful this was and wasn't sure what his lower age limit was.
This is a spooky coincidence: The drummer from Aerosmith's name is JOEY KRAMER!!!!!!!!
This is a spooky coincidence: The drummer from Aerosmith's name is JOEY KRAMER!!!!!!!!
hey, id luv 2 know where on earth he disappeared to?????!!!! ive luvd him since i first laid eyes on him!! please, sum1 find him!!!!! ta ooo xxxxx
hi joey cramer was brilliant in Flight of the navigator, saw the film at a young age and was stunned at the space ship and stuff really neat! Well, i think joey should get back into the spot light as he is an awesome actor. Joey Cramer where r u??????
Hello everyone...I am currently one of Joey Cramers personal best friends. Is this blog still current? Todays date of me writing this is
Dec. 26th 2006. So I am wondering if any one here is reading this. If so, I currently know and hang out with Joey. Please post something if you are still interested.
Best Regards
I am out here and I am STOKED to receive some information on young Joey Cramer's whereabouts. I want the exclusive update, please!
I would love to know his whereabouts. He certainly still has fans and we all remember FOTN very fondly. If anything, THIS fan wishes him the best in his endeavors.
I always like him in FOTN! I hope he is still around and happy and I hope one of his kids if he had kids pick up acting! I was wishing he would tell us what is up! I just want to know why he stop acting? Did something happen to him,did someone hurt him? If they did,they need to be hurt back! I heard a rumor(This is just a rumor) That he was walking some where and a few people grab him and sexual abuse him and than after that they beat him up! And they was screaming out to him "we hate you!!"(Put this is a very bad rumor) Please joey if you are around please give us answer and tell us what happen and that you are ok? Bye
Hello, this is Joey's friend again. My name is Skyler by the way. Todays date is Jan. 26th 2007. Well here is a little update for you: Joey and I are very close friends...like brother close. We live in Tampa, Bay Florida. Joey has a second house in Miami Beach, FL where he stays only July through November. His neighbors there are John Travolta, Gene Simmons, Rod Stuart and Dylan Walsh. His house in Tampa Bay, I will not state which house it is for privacy reasons but it is in the Westshore Estates neighborhood. My house is 7 houses down from joey's. Our neighbors include Lenny Kravitz, Andy Dick and Jonathan Taylor Thomas who mind you has also seemed to step out of the spotlight right? Well, Jonathan hangs out with us as well. Joey changed his first and last name back in 1999. I will only sate his first name which is Khris. He changed it for personal reasons. He is very happy and doing very well. He just divorced his 2nd wife 7 months ago. He is currently single and he's lovin it! I told him about this webpage, and he expresses his greatest thankfulness and gratitude that people are still intrersted in him these days. I begged him to check out this page, and he has told me twice that he would, but he hasn't looked at it yet. As for myself, I am not famous, and none of you know me, however I am 25 and I was on the 2nd season Niptuck for about 3 minutes in one scene. I've been on a few commercials as well. I am just getting my start thanks to Andy Dick. But Anyways, Jonathan graduated college in 2005 and owns three different resturaunts...one of them an Outback Steakhouse which is on Sheldon Road and Gunn Hwy in Tampa. The other two are very nice seafood restaurants in Sarasota, FL. He is currently single. He has asked me to state nothing of his relationships, so in that respect, I will not. He is happy and is currently having a house built for himself in Scottsdale, Arizona next to neighbor Vince Vaughn. Jonathan plans to create and run a night club there called: "The Fever". You can spot Joey (Khris) in Tampa if you really want to. And to be honest, not that many people recognise him which he likes cause it allows him to feel like he has privacy and no one smothers him..thats what he tells me anyway. You can sometimes spot Jonathan when he hangs with is. He's funny cause he tries to where these coats with hoods so no one spots him. He thinks he's being tricky but people spot him anyway..it makes us laugh. We hang out in Ybor City alot and we go boating alot on St. Pete Beach. Joey has three cars which he drives...a 2007 Chevy Tahoe, a 2001 Prowler, and his most favorite of the 3 his 2007 Mercedes-Benz CLS 55.
None of us have kids and the three of us love being single. Some of you might be asking...."do any famous women hang out with you guys?" The anwser to that is yes. When in town, Britney Murphy stops by, sometimes Natalie Portman, and Anna Farris hang with us. Most of the time though, its just us three guys. I am not sure what else to tell you my fellow friends. Joey (Kris) no longer wishes to return to tv or movies. I think I have summed it up. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask. NOTE: I will not give answers to personal info. Take care and Best regards. SKYLER.
Wow. Skyler -- wow, just wow! I feel like I should do an update post with all this new information, but I don't want to reveal all this new data to the masses! Can I do a new blog post to let the world know Joey (Khris) is okay and healthy and happy? Maybe he'd like to do an email Q&A with me so I could ask him some burning questions and let all his fans know that he turned out okay? Let me know!
Hey Bex, it's Skyler again. You may do an update post if you'd like. However, Kris is an extremely busy person. I'll get with him asap and see if He and I can set up a time for you to do a Q&A with him. He will be leaving the country very soon for a business trip. His lear jet leaves Tampa Bay for Barcelona Spain sometime next week I believe. He does have a computer with internet on his plane however. I have a spare key to it so I'll leave him somewhat of a note about the Q&A and put it on his desk right next to the computer. I am sure I will catch him before then cause I see him just about everyday, but just in case things don't seem to be working out with this Q&A, that is your answer as to why he would not be available. He plans to vacation there for a month after his business work is done, so he should be returning to Tampa around the first week of March. I hope I have been somewhat helpful to you Bex. Take care now and talk to you soon. Skyler
Hi Skyler! I'm so thrilled to hear from you again! I would love more than anything to do a Q&A with Kris, either by email or over the phone. I have interviewed many celebrities over the years, from Green Day to Queen Latifah to Keith Richards. I'd be thrilled to be the first one to get to ask Kris a few important questions. You (or he) can reach me via my myspace: http://myspace.com/planetbex or using the EMAIL ME link I have at the top of the page. Please let me know if I can talk to Kris before he leaves for Spain! Oddly enough, I'll be in the Tampa area later this winter, visiting my grandmother. Maybe we can all hang out!
please, are you being serious here? do you really think this Skyler is Joey (Khris) friend? He can not even get his name right! He goes from calling him Joey to khris (because that is what he changed his name to right)then it is Kris? If he knows him as Khris then why does he refer to him as Joey so often?
If Joey, Khris, Kris, what ever s name is, is living near to where all these famous people live then why have we not seen pictures of him 'hanging out' with anna feris, brittney murphy. These people are not b list celebrities they are a listers. So their every move is snapped.
Skyler takes great pride in telling you that he will put a note by joeys computer as he has a spare key. Does this tell you he may be a little unhinged? How many of you have given your 'close personal friend' a spare key to your house, so they can come and go as they please? If he lives in an area with other rich people the surely he has a house keeper, no?
Please do not be taken in by this wierdo who thinks he knows Joey. He observly needs help, you are just fuleing him to carry on by responding to him.
Thank you for listening to me.
Yea, seriously, do you actually think this guy knows him? Last I checked, most Outback franchise owners aren't mega millionaires with Lear Jets flying around the world.
Also, this guy starred in ONE movie, that probably most people won't even remember. It's not like he was in E.T. or something, why would all these A listers be "constantly" hanging out with him.
The guy leaving the comment is obviously a fake, as the other poster mentioned, he can't even get the guys name right. First he calls him Khris, than Kris, that's not a spelling mistake, that's someone that is obviously making it up.
I find it hilarious that you actually fell for it. The guy is probably working some normal 9-5 job like the rest of us somewhere in the country, or is dead. Either way, chances are you'll never have any clue where he is or what happened to him. He's been in one show in the last 20 years, and that was 11 years ago. Come on :/
tcclr from Norwich, NY. Did a search for Joey and found someone with that name in El Cajon, Ca (next to San Deigo). Lives on Augusta Court. Might be him, might not. You are not the only person that would like to find out how he is
I saw "Flight of the Navigator" years ago when it first came out and, today (April 14, 2007), it came on T.V. I'm an "old" guy, but really enjoyed this movie. Because my youngest son (age 17) has a friend who looks very similar to Joey, I decided to try and find out how Joey currently appears. Unfortunately, no one seems to know. Well, good for Joey. I hope he's happy and well-adjusted. But, if anyone knows of any website on which I can see how Joey currently looks, please post it. Thanks.
JP in S.GA.
I hope you find Joey. I loved him in this movie. I'll check back later to see if anyone found.
Jolinar of Mulk Shur
Hello everyone, I'm a huge fan of the film 'FOTN.' First watched it during the Spring of 1989 as a 2 Part episode on Sunday night's 'Wonderful World of DISNEY;' and ever since have come to love this film as a cult classic. In regards to JOEY CRAMER's (present) where abouts, I once heard a rumour, and mind you it's just a rumour, that sometime in the mid to late 90's he might've done some work, starred in a few adult films - similar to the actor from "Fright Night,' Stephen Geoffreys. Can anyone confirm this.
Joey Cramer lives in BC on the Sunshine Coast. He works in a local sporting goods store.
Hi Bex, I have a yahoo group findJoeyCramer, http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/findJoeyCramer/
I haven't spent too much time with the group, kinda forgot about it. But recently I did a google search again and found your blog. Way to go.
I love Flight of the Navigator, one of my all time favorites, along with The Boy Who Could Fly and Spaceballs (I'm into sci-fi/fantasy, I even write sci-fi novels)
Just a little tidbit of info: it's interesting that you, me, and Joey are all virgos!
my name is zizwe, i live in the east coast of USA(Baltimore). as a kid, i visited vancouver every summer to stay with my uncle. i knew joey as a kid. we played together. i was about 9 years old, an am 33 years old now. if you get a hold of him have him email me. abokwu@yahoo.com
Has anyone ever seen I-Man, the disney tv movie joey was in back in 86, around the same time as navigator? I just got done watching it for the first time since I was a kid..I used to watch it all the time then. I noticed no one mentioned it on here so I thought I'd bring it up. It was such an awesome movie, I think it should have made it to theatre.
Somebody mentioned this already... he was in two straight porn flicks both filmed in 1993 in Miami, and his stage name was "Nate" or "nathan".
I just have to say something about what Skyler said.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA............HAHAHA..............HAHAHAHAHA........ okay,i'm done........ oh wait a minute.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....................PEOPLE!!!! Skyler does not know him trust me! He's just joking with you guys. Don't believe him. There's a small post on here (the truth) that he lives on the Sunshine coast in beautiful British Columbia Canada.
Hi, this is Skyler again,
You know, I didn't get paid or benefit in any way for post the info that I did about Joey (Kris). I spelled it "Khris" the first time because it was a TYPO... has it ever happened to you? And we call him Joey because that's what he prefers between us friends. Just like I prefer "Skyler" but officially my name is Thomas... has that ever been your case?
But as usual, there are useless tools that have nothibg better to do than be assuming and critical. This will be the last time I post, I just wanted to clear that stuff up. Joey actually did finally take a look at this blog and told me about the idiotic comments after my posts and told me he would not post and that this is the reason he wants to stay away from publicity. Oh well, so much for saying you really want to know about him.
See ya.
Skyler, hang on two quick seconds: If you've read the comments on this blog, as well as the blog entry itself, you will find many people who deeply care about Joey Cramer and would really like to know how he's doing and what he's up. Pay no attention to the haters! Please ask Joey to send us a note and tell us he's happy! As always, I would be thrilled to interview him, either via phone or via email. Thank you!
Hi...Joey Cramer is actually working at a kiosk at the Alaska State Fair, this summer, in the Mat-Su Valley. It's not the first time. It probably won't be the last. He doesn't own a jet, or hang out with Anna Farris. He's selling toys at a toy booth.
Hey I met Joey a few times about 3 years ago. He was dating my neighbour and I didn't realize who he was until the second time I met him. Nice guy, but all they would do was drugs all night, and get messed up. Couldn't tell ya where is today, not a businessman. That sklyer dude is a liar and probably a nutjob.
I also watched FOTN when I was about 6 and loved it. I recently bought the DVD and watched it with my 4 year old niece who love it. I'm from Australia and would also love to know what happened to Joey. He was so cute! Great spaceship too. I still get blown away with the special FX.
I posted the last comment. I was doing a search and found this review on Clan of the Cave Bear: Ayla stays with the tribe and grows. As an older child (Nicole Eggert), she is treated equally with Uba (Lycia Naff), Iza's natural daughter. Equally, that is, by most of the tribe, but not by Broud (Joey Cramer, then Thomas G Waites).
Perhaps Joey has changed his name?
It would be really cool if he created a fan site. His movies are now appealing to a whole new generation. I watched FOTN and specifically googled him to find out about him. That's how I found this site.
I really hope he does appreciate all the fans he has across the world.
18 Sept 2007
Nobody ever said anything to Keri Rogers who was good enough to write. Hey Keri.
I wrote the last couple of posts.
If you guys find Joey or want to share something interesting about him email me at secretzen@hotmail.com
try the web site
It is in Russian, but has a picture of him from 1996.
I totally loved reading this blogg, I've now got a crazy mental picture of Joey Cramer: he's doen drugs in some steak house in Vancover, Florida. LOL, NICE. But honestly, I love Flight of the Navagator. Me and my sister memorised it, and we use to act it out in our living room. Good Times. Thanks Joey, if you ever come here, i loved your accent. I think they should do a whole Flight of the Navagator returns, I think it would be cool to find out what kind of people live on phaelon. I like to imagin them wearing shinny outfits, and tilting there heads in thoughtfulness.. well, maybe that sounds to much like a Volcan. Thanks for the blogg. LOVED IT.
Nov. 7, 2007 P.G. Utah
Yes - as usual a FEW have spoilt it for the many but anyway.
Just watched FOTN again with my mother was one of my child hood flicks and now Im 26. We were wondering what happened to Joey too and ended up here.
If Joey or anyone that does know him reads this to pass on then just want to wish Joey well and lots of :)'s.
An official, non too personal update somewhere would be nice for all the genuine people who wonder but no idea where the best place to do that would be.
Anyways - Good luck and well wishes to Joey:)
FOTN was amazing. Long live Joey Cramer. Hope he is enjoying life.
PS. Hi to Keri Rogers.
Hi. I'm James D, this is korea~ its 3rd of Jan 2008 today. It's really great to see so many people who share the same memory as myself~. Think i watched it like about 50 times when i was a kid. It would be great to know what hes doing these days.. But more important i hopes hes doing well and enjoying life.
It doesn't really matter if Joey is gay or not.
Sounds like none of you doesn't know what's really happened to Joey what ever you want to call him. I prefer to call him Joey. That's how I know him as from Flight Of The Navigator in the Credits.
Maybe he has really disappeared from the face of the Earth by an UFO that doesn't have Max in it.
Could have been silenced by men in black even probably learnt one or two things about UFOs for Flight of the Navigator accidently.
Only seen Joey Cramer in Flight Of The Navigator and once in Murder She Wrote as a guest appearence playing a KGB agent or something like that.
That's the last time I saw Joey Cramer.
Still see him on Flight Of The Navigator.
Wish there was a Flight Of The Navigator 2.
Or Remake of Flight Of The Navigator.
That would be cool.
Today is Jan 12, 2008. I just watched FON with my family. My son has had the move since he was 6. He understands more and more of it every year. So fun to prove to my son that we had transformers in the 80's (one was on the NASA bed). Just thought I'd put my well wishes out there in cyberspace. Joey-hope you are happy and healthy:)
Cool thread. But if Joey Cramer posted a response would anyone believe him? I just watched FOTN and started doing a google, "where are they now" search. I couldn't find anything on Kerri Rogers - it'd be interesting if it's really her on here.
I bought the FOTN movie poster last week out of nostalgia. Great movie. IMDB has a thread that says Joey Cramer is working at Hells Kitchen Restaurant in Vancouver. The ship, "Max" is on the backlot tour at Disney's Hollywood Studios - rotting away. Strange such a creative and unique movie would not have a more prominant legacy and visible stars. Funny, "Never Ending Story" is the same way.
I hope you hear from the guy. Good Luck.
I had the pleasure of talking to him in new york this past winter. He said he changed his identity in 1999 to Robert Maschio. He still acts on the show scrubs as "The Todd". He was worried that the show might not air again because of the writers strike, and I hope they get started up again sometime soon.
It's funny. I had no idea that he was that kid.
This question is for everyone who says they are good friends with Joey Cramer. Joey is brother's with my Half Brother. I will not tell you his name but if anyone actually knows Joey they should know my half brothers name. Lets actually find out if these people are telling the truth. This is mainly directed at Skyler. I will not state any information other then if this thread is true or not. So I ask you this...what is Joey's brother name?
P.S. I posted the EVERYONES ATTENTION!!! comment. The date is March 13/2008 just so everyone knows this thread isn't dead.
March 24, 2008 - Just had a great time watching this movie with my family. It was a childhood favorite of mine growing up - and of my entire family. We were all wondering what happened to Joey too! Would be so much fun to know. Whatever the case, I think he was *smart* for getting out of the business while he still could! I hope he is doing well. :)
I tried to view Joey's 1996 photo from the Russian website that someone posted earlier, but there was an error. I had to start at the main site and find the photo myself. Luckily, I speak Russian. I figured out the actual link, and I've pasted it below:
I don't know if this really is Joey, but if it is, I believe he is also in the trailer for the movie "It's My Party," which you can find at this site:
The man in the photo looks like the person featured at time 2:05 that says "I can't." But who knows, maybe both are not him. The Russian guy may have picked a random frame.
Hope this helps someone!
to EPIK, who wrote the following...
This question is for everyone who says they are good friends with Joey Cramer. Joey is brother's with my Half Brother. I will not tell you his name but if anyone actually knows Joey they should know my half brothers name. Lets actually find out if these people are telling the truth. This is mainly directed at Skyler. I will not state any information other then if this thread is true or not. So I ask you this...what is Joey's brother name?
# posted by Anonymous Epik : 3:19 AM"...
to answer your question of "what is Joey's brother's name"? the answer is Otis D. (i don't want to post his full last name, for obvious reasons).
and to all those who are wondering, Joey is doing just fine.
oh, and Skylar is a fake...jsyk.
much love.
Just wanted to say I loved FOTN as a kid growing up (I was about 9 or 10 when it came out)and thought Joey was a really cool young actor. Hope Joey is happy with life. Cheers:)
I have now joined you guys for the "Help us Find Joey Cramer!". It's weird that in this small world we cannot track him down. Well get a confirmed story of what he is up to.
He is alive and well and is a very sweet guy
Check this site out: http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/10502
It links to this photo of him: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5255/n5116270261710625187ti8.jpg
My post above was made yesterday, 31st January 2009, so people know this blog is still alive:)
FOTN was an all time best back in 80's. can still remember back in 87 when i was 9 with family queuing up to see movie at oden in sheffield uk. wow how time flys ><
5th of March 2009 .
I was 2 years old when the movie came out, a child when i saw it with my dad, many things ive forgotten of my childhood, but not FOTN, today i was browsing throught my movie collection and saw it there , had to watch ít, and it was just as great as i remembered it to be. its a shame that he didnt continue acting because he sure had the talent for it, but im sure he's done what ever makes him happy in his life, if anyone that sees this site knows him, or can contact him in some sort, i hope you can just thank him for me. Im sure with his acting he's touched tons of people , its been 20 years and people still remember what a great job he did. hope you're all doing fine.
-Olli from Finland
Hey all, just watched the trailer for "It's My Party", I can't pick Joey out. Where is he in that?
21/08/09 hey guys , really enjoyed all the comments , fotn has such good memories for me growing up as a kid , i always belived that 1 day i could be joey cramer and the same thing would happen to me , watched the movie 2 days ago again and really wanted to find out what ever happened to joey cramer , and thats how i ended up on this site , well by the looks of things joey is doing just fine in sechelt BC , and all i can say is good for you mate , feck all the begrudgers i say ... you still have that great smile that made so many girls in my class at school week at the knees , and i suppose made all the guys want to be like you (including me ) but that was then and this is now , and we all have our own lives with the hustle and bustle of everday living , and im sure joey has it to , well if you do ever read this blog , all i want to say is thank you for such good memories when i was 8 and even now in my 30ies . if there ever is a web site or fan club , please all keep me posted , get me on facebook noel a maher ireland , think all that has to be said now is (quote max) see ya later aligator.....................PS that skyler is really a nut job , does he really think people belive that shit
I dont know if this htread is still live but I enjoyed reading it after having an IMDB search fest on childhood movie stars with my mates. I was disappointed that little is known aout Joey Cramer and types him in google and found this blog. I have to say though whoever it was that said he chamged his name and played "the Todd" in scrubs is full of crap! But funny joke. (I hope it was a joke!)
Just had the pleasure of introducing my 8 year old daughter and my 3 year old son to Flight of the Navigator today. I loved that movie as a child, and it was fun to watch it again for old time's sake. And who told the world it could make us old?!?!? LOL. I wondered who the actor was in the movie and googled it, and somehow ended up here.
Oh, and I should have said that it is now 6.13.2010
This should clear things up.
hi,well he lives in secehlt and works in a sport shop there,i know this and i live in denbighshire north wales in the uk.lol,
loved the film though,strange cus i was born in 1978 and thats the date the film started and ended in.if your out there joey hope u r well!!
p.s is still watch it and im 32.:)
He's not at the sports store anymore. (May 1st 2011) I live in Sechelt, and no one has seen him in a while. Last I heard... he was in Vancouver. Best of luck to you Joey. xoxo
I'm 25 from South Africa and FoTN is my all time fav movie!!!!! I've been watching it at different periods throughout my life and it still hits the spot!!! Joey, wherever you are... you're a LEGEND!!!!! God Bless...Melissa 19.06.2011
Everyone is looking for Joey: http://www.coastreporter.net/article/20110824/SECHELT0101/308249980/-1/sechelt/rcmp-seek-wanted-fugitive
Looks like someone found him.
2/1/2012 - that is all.
Wow the thread that refuses to die. Now what does 2/1/2012 mean? Hmmmmm?
Regarding the above post: it's curious to me since the date today is 1/6/2012.
I would like too see his grown up smile cus he was such a cutie mwah I'm from England, wonder if he is still cute x mj
It is the 7th of Feb 2012 today. This thread is not dead, there are still fans looking for Joey. I really hope he isn't the one who was caught for check frauds... If he is, can someone please find out where he is and visit him? I think he would appreciate that there is still so many of his fans who care for him.
Not that I want to distrust that Skyler dude, but seriously? Joey only ever made one movie, and that was well over 20 years ago, I don't think he is going to be able to own a lear jet and etc, FOTN was good but it never made that much money. Just plain simple logic. here are a lot of stars who can't even afford a place in Malibu and have A-listers hang out... Perhaps Skyler needs to get some counseling for delusions? It may be a problem.
2 Jan 2013.
I hope he's OK. Just watched his film on British TV.
Further to my last blog entry, I will say that FOTN was one of my favourite movies as a kid. Joey gave an absolutely amazing performance. He was clearly an incredibly talented, charming, charismatic and good looking kid. I mean let's face it, he had 'the gift'. In my humble opinion, he could easily have surpassed most child actors, even Macaulay Culkin I would say. No seriously! There's no telling how far he could have gone. Which of course makes his current behaviour and lifestyle all the more tragic. What a sad waste of such great potential. But he certainly isn't the first of child actors nor the last to go through such a transformation. There must be something 'toxic' about Hollywood that really screws kid actors up. Heck, it even screws up adult actors. Or maybe something really terrible happened to Joey along the way to set him on this self-destructive course. We are certainly in no position to judge because we do not know his full story. Nevertheless, people should have the complete current facts on him.
It really is too bad about Joey Cramer. It seems that he cannot stay out of constant trouble. Have the drugs really messed up his mind so much that he is simply not capable of leading a more constructive and healthy life?
Joey, if you're reading this then the only thing I can say is try, try to find it within you to take back control of your life. Get yourself in intense rehab, counselling, whatever it takes ... and regain control of your life! If drugs are the issue, then get rid of them once and for all! Don't you ever get tired of all the bullcrap? It can't be any way to live. Getting back in order will probably be the hardest thing you ever do, but by far the best thing you ever do. Regaining control of your destiny will give you the greatest high you'll ever have, far more than any drug can provide. If people have hurt you in the past, then falling victim to your problems now will only allow THEM to win. You don't want that, do you? We all believe you still have so much to offer - it has to be still within you!! All the best.
16th Feb 2013 .... We're watching FOTN on TV in England.....great film :)
Yes, definitely a great film. It's going to be really interesting to see what the new remake is like. One thing is for certain - the kid actor they choose to play David Scott Freeman is going to have some pretty big shoes to fill. It will be very hard to match Joey Cramer. But of course the new generation won't notice the difference. What would really be cool is if they could get Joey to play a small part in the new movie - for example, as one of the NASA scientists. I wonder if the new director Colin Trevorrow has even pondered it. It would be neat if Disney didn't give people the heads-up and then see if the (obviously Gen X/now parental) moviegoers would notice him in the movie! But obviously it's all a moot issue in light of Joey's current troubled life. Too bad. :(
New Years Day 2014 and the BBC ran another repeat of FOTN. Like many I hadn't seen this film since childhood. He must be about the same age as me, I remembered wishing I had the same bedroom and view he had when I was watched it as a kid - and I had a good laugh seeing it again this afternoon.
So yes like everyone else I looked him up and it's really sad he has turned out like this. Such success at a young age could put an unbearable pressure to sustain success on someone. But he didn't have to resort to serious crime. There has to be an uncomfortable and honest disconnect now between a cute kid and a 40 year old violent criminal. Hopefully he will make amends but until then he is sadly best forgotten. We can watch FOTN to remind us of the good old days and remind us of what not to do when faced with temptation. No matter how cute he was there is no excuse to sink that low.
I loved this movie as a kid! Hi Keri!
I don't care if Joey Cramer has changed his name or is still JC - I'm just happy he is and yes, I saw FOTN too with both my children - now both grown up and coping with life in England. Noah Hathaway who played Atreyu in Never Ending Story lived for a time incognito in Miami, Fl, working on Chop Bikes. I here now he's back on the West Coast as a Director - he didn't do any more films except one about a Troll - I wonder what turns them off being actors? John Hurt (who played as a cosmonaut in Alien) is happily the Chancellor of Norwich University, England and also helped my son with his work prior to getting his BA on Tuesday, last. There are lots of people who slide back into an anonymous role after having a Hi-life persona for so long. Anon.
I also bought the DVD, Flight of the Navigator too as it is one of my most favourite films because a lot of what Joey Cramer thought and did in the film and came across as a 12 YO I remember for myself when I was twelve in 1953! This was just before my Mother and then my Father died within eighteen months of each other! The Queen's Coronation was a high spot in that year - but the next year and two kears after that my life steadily went downhill. Still! It was experience from which I learned lots of things and passed on to my children.
Today is Jan 26, 2015 and the thread is still alive - for those that have read down this far you know that Mr. Cramer ran into some troubles in life, no surprise to people with lives, huh??!!!
But no one can deny that he was great on FOTN and I also watch the movie which I first saw in my childhood, from time to time again and again!
May God continue to bless him and many thanks to he and all those that helped to bring this movie to the screen and then later to my home screen.
Many times I imagine that many of the space ships visiting Earth today look similar to MAX and also allow their occupants the same joys of travel.
Cheers to MAX and to Joey Cramer, may God Bless them all (and ST. Disney too!).
Let's donate money to Joey, I wanna give him a bunch of money! :)
That's so awesome! My siblings and I were obsessed with that movie! And you really killed it on your bike!
Joey Cramer has been living a life of drugs and crime for many years now. He currently lives in Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast near Vancouver, British Columbia. A news story from today's CBC news website:
I assure you that any previous stories on this blog about him living a lovely life in Tampa or anywhere else are completely false. He has been seen begging on the street in Vancouver for drug money. He ruined his career by becoming a junkie not long after FOTN. It was his choice to ruin his life and he will no doubt get jail time for this attempted bank robbery.
Hahahaha! well, obviously the wrong link in the above post. Here is the correct one:
Sorry about that!
So sad to hear about Joey... May God make things better for him. Keep posting updates please....
Greet form China.
It's 2016/12/21 2:41pm Beijing time.
I just saw this movie and want to find something more about JC.
Sooooo sorry to hear that he is now in a hard life.
I hope everything will back to the good side and best wishes to JC and all his fans.
Let us make sure this blog won't dead.
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