Monday, January 23, 2006

Meet my Blogchild

Dig: it's Don't Eat This Blog! This is a sliver of the internets by Kit, who wrote to me and asked if I would be his blogmother, which is a new(ish?) type of meme circulating through the blogoverse, wherein one cites (or, as the kids say, "gives props to") the person who inspired one's blog. According to Neologasm (grizzate word, bteedubs,):
As of January 8, 2006, Google is teeming with references to blogfathers (677,000 hits), blogmothers (52,800 hits), and blogparents (287 hits), as well as variations on the theme -- blogmother-in-law, fairy blogmother, etc. Blogcestor, my off-the-cuff coinage above, actually gets 13 Google hits. These days, it's harder to coin a word than you might think.

And thusly, I, the blogmother, apparently begat Kit and his blog. And now I get a pair of sparkly wings and a magical wand and the power to turn pumpkins into coaches and ladyflowers into pumpkins.

That ladyflowers-to-pumpkins jokes comes from a joke my best friend told me when I was eight, and, admittedly, I didn't understand it til much later:

Cinderella begged her fairy godmother to let her go out one night, and her fairy godmother said, "okay, Cinderella, you can go out and have a magical evening but you must be back before midnight or else I shall turn your ladyflower into a pumpkin."

And Cinderella promised she'd be back on time, and she went out and she had a swell time. And the next night, she once again begged her fairy godmother to let her have a magical night out on the fairytale town, and the fairy godmother said, "okay, but if you are not back by midnight, I will turn your ladyflower into a pumpkin."

And Cinderella made it in by 11:59 and she was just barely safe, by the skin of her vagina dentata (i just made that last bit up).

And the next night, one more time, Cinderella begged her fairy godmother for a swell night out, and the fairy godmother said, "All right, Cinderella, one last time, but you must be home by midnight else I shall change your ladyflower into a pumpkin."

And Cinderella whisked out into the night, and midnight rolled around and she wasn't home. And she wasn't home by 1am and she wasn't home by 3am and she wasn't home by 5am, and she finally rolled in around 9 o'clock, all disheveled and crumpled.

And the fairy godmother said, "Well, Cinderella, I don't know what kept you out so long, seeing as I turned your ladyflower into a pumpkin at midnight!"
And Cinderella smiled smugly and said, "I met Peter, Peter."

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