Friday, February 25, 2005

Good Wil Wheaton Hunting

Over at the Alliance of Power, (my other car is a blog-gang) --

(yes, I'm part of a blog-gang. We do full-scale production numbers in back-alleys. ROCK THE FUCK ON.)

(and it's not like we're some web-ring, neither. we're a gang, mofes. but i'm trying to make it a gang that hits you and it feels like a kiss, because i say we should love and cherish people rather than attack them.)

(i'm such a fucking hippie)

-- anyhoo, I just got all creamy about Wil Wheaton and I thought in my absence, perhaps you could check in with my gang-mates and make sure they're smothering Wil Wheaton with creamy, creamy love?

Creamy like what it would feel like if you finger-fucked a Boston Cream donut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Creamy like what it would feel like if you finger-fucked a Boston Cream donut.I tried that once. Takes forever to find the g-spot.