Monday, April 03, 2006

Johnny from Strip Search was on Penn & Teller's Bullshit!

So I just watched this superawesome libertarian subversion (on the last night of my free Showtime, actually) called Penn & Teller: Bullshit!

It was awesome. Tonight, they took on the Boy Scouts. YEAH, FUCKERS!

Anyhoo - I was excited to spot a familiar face. Familiar to me, at least, because I certainly saw every episode of VH1's Strip Search at least once. (Not because I lurfed it, but because I'm surrounded by television sets blasting the VH1 all day, every day). And there was Johnny.

Johnny was playing a doctor/homeland security dad whose wife was trying to get their atheist son into the Boy Scouts. Because the Boy Scouts won't let you be a Scout if you're an atheist or a homosexual. And that's BULLSHIT because they get public funding and they meet in public spaces and yet they openly practice discrimination and send a message of hate and intolerance. BULLSHIT, Boy Scouts.

But yay for Johnny! Superviewers will recall that they found him in Vegas, where he was desperately trying to become a Blue Man. I guess when they kicked him off the show, he went back to Vegas and then Penn & Teller (who shoot in Vegas, I think) cast him as the dad dude. VH1 reality throw-off done good!

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